A stack of vegan ANZAC biscuits

Irresistible Vegan Anzac Biscuits: A Twist on Tradition!

Yes, this recipe is vegan and yes, it really is better than the original. It’s a bold statement I know, but you will just have to make these vegan ANZAC Biscuits and try them.

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As someone well established in the bustling Melbourne hospitality scene, I’ve come to understand the importance of versatility when it comes to catering to diverse dietary needs. Today, I’m excited to share my take on a beloved Australian (and New Zealand) classic—the vegan ANZAC Biscuits. Embracing the spirit of innovation and inclusivity, my version of this timeless treat offers a delightful vegan twist that promises to captivate your taste buds.

Childhood Favourite.

As an Australian, I have fond memories of making and enjoying these biscuits regularly with my mum while growing up. Sometimes, we’d take a shortcut and turn the whole mix into a delightful slice! It’s fair to say that this childhood treat holds a special place in my heart, filled with nostalgia and a sense of warmth with every bite. 

As ANZAC Day approaches, I reflect on its significance and the cherished tradition of baking ANZAC biscuits, symbols of remembrance and gratitude. With joy and unity in mind, I’m eager to share my secret recipe, inviting you to join in the tradition and create your own cherished memories.

In baking these ANZAC biscuits, we honour the brave individuals who have served in the Australian & New Zealand army, commemorating their sacrifice and enduring legacy.

Substitute foods. 

Yes, this recipe is vegan and yes, it really is better than the original. It’s a bold statement I know, but you will just have to try the recipe for yourself and let me know what you think. My approach to creating substitutes for dietary needs is straightforward: the alternative must match or exceed the flavour and texture of the original, all while remaining free from any artificial additives or preservatives. In an era where large food industries often prioritise profit over purity, I stand by my commitment to crafting food that is wholesome. You’ll never find me relying on obscure chemicals concocted in a lab; instead, I prioritise the simplicity and integrity of natural ingredients in every dish I create.

The ingredients. 

Every great recipe starts with quality ingredients. When it comes to ANZAC cookies, oats take centre stage, and I’m thrilled to spotlight my top pick: Dad’s oats. This isn’t a sponsored endorsement—Dad’s oats are simply my go-to choice in Australia. As a family-owned farm dedicated to quality, they exemplify the backbone of Australian agriculture. Supporting local family farms like Dad’s oats is a commitment I stand by whenever possible.

In this recipe, my secret ingredient is coconut oil. Not only does it boast numerous health benefits and serve as an excellent vegan alternative to butter, but it also plays a crucial role in enhancing the coconut flavour—the second most important ingredient in ANZAC biscuits. By incorporating coconut oil, we elevate the coconutty flavour of these beloved treats to a whole new level.

Vegan Anzac Biscuit Recipe.

Makes 12 cookies

  • 200g Dark brown sugar
  • 150g Wholewheat flour
  • 120g Dad’s rolled oats
  • 50g Shredded coconut
  • 125g coconut oil
  • 50g golden syrup
  • 30g water
  • 3g bicarb soda

Step 1: Preheat.

ANZAC cookies are incredibly quick to make so it’s a good idea to preheat the oven first. Set the temperature to 160℃ fan forced. 

Step 2: Drys.

Weigh up the brown sugar, flour, oats & coconut in a bowl and whisk them all together until it becomes one even mix. 

Step 3: Wets.

Put the water, golden syrup & coconut oil into a pot and bring it to the boil. Once boiling take it off the heat and immediately add the bicarb soda. Whisk it in vigorously and then pour the foamy liquid mix over the dry ingredients. 

Mix in the bowl with a wooden spoon until it becomes a biscuit dough. 

Step 4: Tray up. 

Simply weigh up 60 grams of the biscuit mix and roll it into a ball. Put it on a lined baking tray and squish it down onto the tray so it makes a flat disk. On a standard home baking tray you will fit 6 biscuits. 

Once you have filled your trays with the biscuit goodness, put them in the oven for 12 minutes. Just long enough for them to get a crispy edge but also keep their soft chewy centre. 

Once baked, let them cool for 30 minutes before eating. 

Bakers tips. 

While ANZAC cookies are inherently simple, there’s a delightful twist you can try: the ANZAC slice. Reminiscent of fond memories with my mum, offers a convenient alternative. Simply line a baking tin with parchment paper, spread the mixture evenly, and bake. Though it may require a few extra minutes in the oven, the results are nothing short of phenomenal. Ideal for packing in lunch boxes or enjoying as a satisfying snack on the go.

If you would like to learn more about why I opt for using wholewheat flour in this recipe, then you can check out my last blog post here where I talk about it in depth.


As ANZAC Day nears, let’s celebrate tradition with a modern twist: my irresistible Vegan ANZAC Biscuits. Each bite pays tribute to the brave individuals who served, while embodying the unity and innovation of our culinary heritage. Join me in creating cherished memories and supporting local farms with this wholesome, flavour-packed treat.

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